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It’s Christmas…

Time has flown by and Christmas is nearly upon us! Here is a quick round up of what has been happening at Straightpoint.

A trip to La Rochelleradiolink plus in use lifting boat
A few weeks ago I was in the lovely La Rochelle, France working with our client Traction Levage. We went over to the port at La Rochelle to assist them in lifting a ship out of the water for maintenance using our radiolink system.boat being lifted out of water with radiolink plus






Wireless Compound Plus Load Cell in use

Check out the great images below sent from our client Lambert Charges in France, they used our wireless compound load cell system with 4-way data logging PC software for crane testing this dockside crane with their unique water weight system. The operator was able to monitor the loads of all four load cells simultaneously on their laptop and log into Excel – all at a wire-free, safe distance.

Wireless Conpound Plus water weight testingWater weight testing using Wireless Conpound Plus











Straightpoint mug is on its way to Turier Scales!
straightpoint bag in use
Turier Scales (S Turier & Sons Ltd.) have been established since 1891 and are the largest independent manufacturer of industrial platform and floor scales in the UK. They import a comprehensive range of electronic balances, microbalances, counting scales, weighing instrumentation, indicators, load cells, industrial platforms and pallet truck scales. This month Nigel Newport Black, MD of Turier Scales sent us a customer picture of our products in use..
Nigel uses a Straightpoint boot bag and the image right shows a picture of his boots and boot bag prior to cleaning after the Cinderford Town v. Cheltenham Town Reserves match! We think this is one of the best pictures of the year!!

Hire Services goes from Strength to Strength
We launched our hire division in August 2011 to respond to customer demand and the service has flourished and become very successful. Our hire customers have increased month on month with more enquires coming in from new prospects too! We have also increased our selection of hire load cells so we can meet the growing demand. Remember if you want to find out more about hire visit:

What’s new in 2012?
In 2012 we will be releasing an updated price list to cover all products and in addition to this we will also be releasing some new capacity load cells to meet customer requirements! Watch this space for more news on these items!

Until then, wishing all our readers a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Mr Loadlink

Globe trotting

Hi All,

The past month has kept me very busy at Straightpoint with many global visits over the past few weeks, after four weeks travelling I’m really looking forward to creature comforts like a cup of Tetley tea and beans on toast when I get back!

On my travels, I recently visited General Lifting Engineering Co Ltd (GLE), a lifting company based in China, and following this visit I am delighted to announce that GLE are now our new distributor for the Chinese regions.

This is the 22nd overseas distributor for Straightpoint Ltd UK, and this expansion will allow us to extend our services to our new clients.

I also visited existing dealers whilst away, including Intermarine in Singapore as well as Australian Calibrating Services.  We had meetings with both their sales teams and conducted technical training with their engineering staff.

'Mr Loadlink' and the GLE team in China

'Mr Loadlink' and the GLE team in China

Tim Kennon, CEO of ACS with ‘Mr Loadlink’

Tim Kennon, CEO of ACS with ‘Mr Loadlink’

Training at Singapore’s Intermarine with ‘Mr Loadlink’

Training at Singapore’s Intermarine with ‘Mr Loadlink’


Radiolink Plus Remote

Radiolink Plus Remote

Straightpoint have also made a few enhancements to their products; the Radio Link Plus this now has a range of 250 meters and a continuous battery life of 1600hrs.

The RLP is the perfect loadcell for use when the operator needs to be at a safe distance and is used in many lifting, pulling and testing applications worldwide. The price for the RLP range remains the same, however with the development on the previous specification, it’s ‘forcing’ its way through the competition!